Saturday, July 19, 2014


I'm a creationist, and in the last 30 years studied this subject with a sincere heart and with an open mind to accept facts. Evolutionists are many gullible, they believe that chance as sophisticated built a universe that functions as a gear in the macro world and the micro world.
Being creationist requires faith, but to be an evolutionist requires much more faith. The theory of evolution can not be proved nor reproduced in the laboratory. The theory of evolution is based on assumptions that can not be tested. Challenge evolutionists to make a new species, or to make energy or matter from nothing, and if they could do it, I would conclude that a very superior intelligence who have created energy, matter and life, as needed intelligent men.
  Using the subterfuge of millions of years to explain the origin of life is demagoguery. The theory of evolution is a classic departure in style for atheists and materialists deceive their conscience about the origin of life. The theory of evolution is a mental setback. These days I finished reading the book the philosopher and Roman orator Cicero called "The Nature of the Gods". Two thousand years ago Cicero justified his belief in deities, by pure observation of the universe and the order that reigns. The disorder and chaos can not be responsible for the cosmic order that works perfectly following the laws of physics and chemistry in the astronomical world and microscopic world.
  I have a degree in Biological Sciences and am doing this course to be convinced that the theory of evolution has something more usable. Darwin did not even know there was DNA and he'll be the head of a theory about the origin of life??

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